Spring Cleaning for your Mental Health: From a Team of Therapists

Spring is almost here, and is a season of new beginnings and renewal. Here are some tips from our team for how you can spring clean your mental health:

1. Declutter your home: Try one space at a time, or even one space overall. Cleaning can give people a sense of mastery and control. It also can improve focus and reduce stress and anxiety. When a person’s environment is clean, it can impact their mood in a positive way.

2. Declutter your mind: Notice if you’ve had a lot going on lately. The practice of mindfulness can help you notice and help you declutter your mind. Remember mindfulness isn’t about stopping your thoughts, it’s about noticing them and shifting your awareness elsewhere, even temporarily.

3. Declutter the people in your life: You may want to take an inventory of who you’ve been spending time with and how you feel around those people. It might be time to set boundaries for self preservation.

4. Declutter your social media: Scroll through your feed and ask yourself what accounts bring you joy, and which one’s do not. Go ahead and clean up both your followers and your following lists.

5. Just let go & brain dump: Writing can be cathartic and therapeutic. Write in a journal or write a letter about something you want to let go of. If you write it on physical paper, you may then choose to get rid of it in any way that you’d like.

journaling - mental health tips

And please don’t forget, if you’d like to start or continue your mental health journey this spring, we are here to walk that path with you!


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